Tuesday 15 March 2011


The follwing questions were asked to a pool of fourty people;

Male 73%
Female 27%

16-18 64%
19-21 36%

Student 82%
Retail Related 18%

Favourite Genre of Music?
Indie 67%
R 'n' B 22%
Other 11%

Do You Read Any Music Specific Magazines?
Yes 75%
No 25%

If So, How Often?
Monthly 66%
Randomly 22%
Weekly 12%

Own A PC?
Yes 72%
No 28%

Have Internet Connection?
Yes 94%
No 6%

Own A Digital Music Player?
Yes 25%
No 75%

Favourite Terrestrial TV Channel?
Channel 4 55%
BBC 23%
ITV 18%
Channel 5 4%

Favourite Newspaper?
The Guardian 40%
The Sun 35%
Other 25%

Tuesday 8 March 2011

This is one of the songs that inspired my genre choice for my magazine. It is called 'Pyro' by Kings of Leon. The song is quite chilled out and has some good lyrics.