The magazine I will be creating would be published monthly as it will give the publishers time to create the next magazine and get a lot of information for it. Seen as though the magazine will be published monthly, I will sell it for around £3 as it will appeal to the socio-economic groups C2, D and E. I think £3 is a suitable price as it isn't too pricey for these groups. The target audience in relation to age is about 16 to 30 as I think this is an age range that will mostly be interested in an indie-rock magazine.
A- Higher managerial, administrative, professional e.g. Chief executive, senior civil servant, surgeon
B - Intermediate managerial, administrative, professional e.g. bank manager, teacher
C1- Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial e.g. shop floor supervisor, bank clerk, sales person
C2 - Skilled manual workers e.g. electrician, carpenter
D- Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers e.g. assembly line worker, refuse collector, messenger
E - Casual labourers, pensioners, unemployed e.g. pensioners without private pensions and anyone living on basic benefits
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
NME double page spread!
Institution: The publishers of NME magazine are IPC Media. The magazine has been publishing for 58 years and still lives on as one of the most popular music magazines in the world.
Ideology: The ideas in which NME is trying to convey is that Lilly Allen isn't a 'chav' anymore (that was her first image) and is now quite cool and indie. It also shows us that she's quite sexy which is connotates through the use of her costume (shirt) being unbuttoned at the top.
Audience: The target audience is 'indie', style-conscious, UK teenagers from the age roughly 15-25 years of age. They would be in a low class system as they wouldn't have lots of money, but wouldn't necessarily be poor as they would be in to the latest fashion.
Representation: Lilly Allen is represented as a bit of an 'indie/emo' person due to her costume, makeup, and the text associated with her. She is also represented as quite rebellious in the way she, unconventionally, isn't looking directly at the camera lens. This makes the image look professional but not conventional. Social groups such as chavs or 'gangsters' (people who idolise rappers or R&B artists) as these are the styles and forms of music which NME doesn't deal with, and therefore would clash with its overall image. To properly convey what I am trying to say about the text use and The Sex Pistols, here is a poster of them, and note the similarity between the two texts.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Analysis of Mojo magazine contents!
The contents page of 'MOJO' magazine features, at the top of the page, the word 'MOJO', as apposed to contents. However, the reader can tell that this is the contents page due to the typical conventions such as page numbers, feature headings in a bold text, information under the heading about that feature and also, images relating to one, or more, of the features in the magazine. The title text 'MOJO' is bold, large and in a simple font, making it stand out and catch the readers eye. On the contents, there are featured pages that they have highlighted in red, and have an image next to them with a page number also. These pages are suggested to the reader from the publishers. The contents page is effective because they have used a white background for the actual page numbers and text, and used black font so it stands out to the reader. Also, they have used an artistic background behind the white page to give the overall page some depth.
Institution- The publishers of 'MOJO' magazine are Bauer Media who publish many other magazines such as Q, Kerrang and FHM. Bauer Media are Europe's largest privately owned publishing group and they publish over 300 magazines in 15 different countries. They also publish online, T.V and radio stations.
Audience-The genre MOJO music magazine is a mix of traditional music such as The Beatles and bands such as Oasis and Radiohead. People interested in old music such as The Beatles will be interested in the magazine, as well as people interested in new bands that are evolving in the music industry.
Ideology- The reason behind the contents page is to inform the readers where specific articles and contents are in the magazine, and they use page numbers to do so. The contents page needs to be effective and straight to the point because when people pick the magazine up in shop, they usually look at the front cover, then the contents page to find out what is featured in the magazine. If they like what's on the contents page, they are more likely to purchase the magazine.
Representation- The contents page represents the magazine in a positive way as it has a good balance between text and images which is an important convention of a contents page. This could symbolise that the magazine is a good balance of all music genres so it would appeal to the majority of music lovers new and old.
Q Magazine contents page!

Language- The contents page of Q magazine contains a heading, a main image, sub-headings and some sub-text. The colour scheme on the contents is very similar to the front cover which is a important convention of music magazines. The Q logo is located in the top left corner next to the contents heading. The sub-heading is white with a red background which works well together and stands out on the page. The large image on the right hand side of the page is the main feature on the contents as it dominates the space and is very noticeable, and the image has a caption containing the brief information about the band in the image, and the page number. The front cover and contents page show continuity as they both have the same colours and fonts throughout. This contents page is effective as it's set out to be easy readable for the audience. A common convention in this magazine and most music magazines is the section that is there every issue, and they just change the things they write on it every issue.
Institution- The producer of the magazine is Bauer media who also produce other music magazines such as Kerrang and Mojo. They have to make sure they produce magazines that are going to sell regularly, so they have to be a good standard.
Ideology- The idea behind the contents page is for readers to be informed what is featured in the magazine, so they could skip straight to a particular page they are interested in. The producers are trying to promote the magazine to be bought as people that are interested in buying a magazine in a shop, usually look at the contents, so the contents has to be a good standard.
Audience- Q magazine do not have a specific music genre which they target for an audience. There are different genre's of music throughout there magazines. This gives the magazine diversity and a good opportunity to introduce different music genres into it.
Representation- The main image on the contents is of the band 'The Courteeners' and they are represented in a positive way as they are the main image. The image is an accurate representation of the band to make the magazine look as real as possible.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Analysis of Mojo magazine front cover!
Institution- The publishers of 'MOJO' magazine are Bauer Media who publish many other magazines such as Q, Kerrang and FHM. Bauer Media are Europe's largest privately owned publishing group and they publish over 300 magazines in 15 different countries. They also publish online, T.V and radio stations.
Ideology- The publishers of the magazine are trying to promote a sense of quality for the magazine by using Oasis on the front cover as they are a huge band all over the world and they are featuring in their magazine. This symbolises that the magazine use the biggest and best bands for their articles.
Audience The genre MOJO music magazine is a mix of traditional music such as The Beatles and bands such as Oasis and Radiohead. People interested in old music such as The Beatles will be interested in the magazine, as well as people interested in new bands that are evolving in the music industry.
Representation- The magazine are representing the artists (Oasis) on the front cover in a positive way. The name 'Oasis' is lit up in neon light to attract the attention of the reader and the sub-text says ' The boys are back in town' which makes the reader want to know what they have been doing. Also, there is a quote from the band on the cover ' We've been to the dark side' which makes the reader want to read on and find out what they mean by this quote.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Q magazine analysis!
Q Magazine analysis
Language- The iconic 'Q' logo on the magazine is located in the top left of the front cover, below the subtext. The red logo stands out on the fairly dark background. This is a major convention of music magazines as there is a distinctive logo on them all so the audience know what magazine it is. This magazine in particular is targeting the band 'Kings of Leon' and this is shown through the main image of the band, and a large strap line across the middle of the cover. Another convention of this music magazine is the promotion of a product on the cover to attract customers to purchase the magazine. In this particular magazine, they are giving away a free CD.
Institution- The producer of the magazine is Bauer media who also produce other music magazines such as Kerrang and Mojo. They have to make sure they produce magazines that are going to sell regularly, so they have to be a good standard.
Audience- Q magazine do not have a specific music genre which they target for an audience. There are different genre's of music throughout there magazines. This gives the magazine diversity and a good opportunity to introduce different music genres into it.
Representation- From the image of the band on the cover, we instantly know the they are a band as they are all stood together and the majority of music lovers know that Kings of Leon are an iconic band with their rock star image. For people who don't know what the band look like are assured with the large strap line across the image saying 'Kings of Leon'.
Ideology- The idea behind the front cover of the magazine is to give the readers an insight into what the magazine is going to include when they read it. They do this by using an exclusive band who will be interviewed in depth and they use an exclusive band throughout the magazines they publish. Also on the cover they have other stories which will feature in the magazine to back up the main feature.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Music genre choice
-Indie rock
-Heavy metal
-Disco/Club music
I will base the choice of the music genre on my personal interests as I will be able to relate my interests to the music magazine. There are already rock music magazines on the market eg. Kerrang, but I think I want my genre to be rock/indie with bands in my mind such as Kings of Leon, Arctic Monkeys, The courteeners, Oasis etc. These bands are not so heavy as the ones related in Kerrang.
NME biography- NME is a British weekly music magazine. Featuring agenda-setting news, the UK's most comprehensive gig guide, definitive reviews of the week's hottest gigs, tracks and albums, and fiery comment from the nation's most opinionated writers, it's the essential guide to the week in music.
Arctic Monkeys, The Smiths, Klaxons and Oasis were all introduced to the world via the pages of NME, while in recent months we've given Pete Doherty a lift home from prison in our car, inadvertently made Noel Fielding cry in the middle of an interview, and exclusively broken the news of Blur's reunion before anyone else.
-Indie rock
-Heavy metal
-Disco/Club music
I will base the choice of the music genre on my personal interests as I will be able to relate my interests to the music magazine. There are already rock music magazines on the market eg. Kerrang, but I think I want my genre to be rock/indie with bands in my mind such as Kings of Leon, Arctic Monkeys, The courteeners, Oasis etc. These bands are not so heavy as the ones related in Kerrang.
NME biography- NME is a British weekly music magazine. Featuring agenda-setting news, the UK's most comprehensive gig guide, definitive reviews of the week's hottest gigs, tracks and albums, and fiery comment from the nation's most opinionated writers, it's the essential guide to the week in music.
Arctic Monkeys, The Smiths, Klaxons and Oasis were all introduced to the world via the pages of NME, while in recent months we've given Pete Doherty a lift home from prison in our car, inadvertently made Noel Fielding cry in the middle of an interview, and exclusively broken the news of Blur's reunion before anyone else.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Liiar interpretatation of the brief.
L - What does each of your products need to contain e.g. The front page will need to have a masthead etc (list the conventions that are relevant to each product). Which camera angles do you think would be most effective for each of the products? Any ideas of colour schemes that will help you to create a house-style?
I - Perhaps you could pretend that you are producing a magazine for an existing publisher, whose other publications have something in common with yours / are totally different to yours (gap in the market)
I - What message / moral / values do you intend your magazine to convey about your chosen music genre and your target audience?
A - Briefly outline the target audience (you can develop it later when you've made more decisions)
R - How do you intend your target audience / artists / music genre to be represented? i.e. positively / negatively / accurately / stereotypically / unconventionally? etc.
Language: My music magazine cover will require an eye-catching masthead which will be a main selling point for the magazine. I will use a mid shot for my main image, as this is one of the main conventions of an image on the front of a music magazine cover. I will use a consistent house style throughout the front cover, contents page and double page to give my magazine a professional look and I want my colour scheme to be sleek and sophisticated.
Institution- The institution of a magazine is the producer who publishes the magazine. The institution of Q magazine is Bauer Media for example. These different institutions are always competing to make their magazines better than other competitors on the market. I will look to fill a gap in the music magazine market in order to appeal to my target audience.
Ideology- Every magazine on the market has a set of morals, values and messages which they try to portray within their magazines. I want my magazine to give off a positive image about music, and in particular, the music genre i will be focusing on.
Audience- All magazines have particular audiences in which they target. Audiences are categorized into groups which are defined by age, gender, type and social class (A, B, C1, C2 and D and E). Music magazines also target specific genres within music to appeal to different interests customers have. NME have categorized there audience in to two groups: 'young socialites' and 'first time earners' and they have taken out a very detailed survey. This is what i plan to do so i can meet all my audience needs.
Representation- I want to give off a positive image on music in my magazine. I also want it to be intresting, and become a regular purchase for customers. I want my magazine to target my specific genre, rather than music in general.
I - Perhaps you could pretend that you are producing a magazine for an existing publisher, whose other publications have something in common with yours / are totally different to yours (gap in the market)
I - What message / moral / values do you intend your magazine to convey about your chosen music genre and your target audience?
A - Briefly outline the target audience (you can develop it later when you've made more decisions)
R - How do you intend your target audience / artists / music genre to be represented? i.e. positively / negatively / accurately / stereotypically / unconventionally? etc.
Language: My music magazine cover will require an eye-catching masthead which will be a main selling point for the magazine. I will use a mid shot for my main image, as this is one of the main conventions of an image on the front of a music magazine cover. I will use a consistent house style throughout the front cover, contents page and double page to give my magazine a professional look and I want my colour scheme to be sleek and sophisticated.
Institution- The institution of a magazine is the producer who publishes the magazine. The institution of Q magazine is Bauer Media for example. These different institutions are always competing to make their magazines better than other competitors on the market. I will look to fill a gap in the music magazine market in order to appeal to my target audience.
Ideology- Every magazine on the market has a set of morals, values and messages which they try to portray within their magazines. I want my magazine to give off a positive image about music, and in particular, the music genre i will be focusing on.
Audience- All magazines have particular audiences in which they target. Audiences are categorized into groups which are defined by age, gender, type and social class (A, B, C1, C2 and D and E). Music magazines also target specific genres within music to appeal to different interests customers have. NME have categorized there audience in to two groups: 'young socialites' and 'first time earners' and they have taken out a very detailed survey. This is what i plan to do so i can meet all my audience needs.
Representation- I want to give off a positive image on music in my magazine. I also want it to be intresting, and become a regular purchase for customers. I want my magazine to target my specific genre, rather than music in general.
Current music magazines on the market!
IPC Media are an institution who publish the music magazine 'NME'.
'Q' magazine |
'Blender' Since its launch in 2001, Blender has been the fastest growing music magazine in America. Each month, Blender provides its 2.3 million readers with insightful, comprehensive and entertaining coverage of the ever-changing world of popular music. From the striking graphics and edit of its FOB "Burner" section to its engaging compendiums and countdowns to its authoritative CD reviews section, Blender speaks to contemporary music fans with a unique voice that combines critical authority with the irreverence of the music it covers. |
'Q' magazine |
'VIBE' a hip-hop/RnB magazine. |
NME has become a truly unique multi-platform media proposition. Across the magazine,, NMETV, NME Radio and the brand's live events and awards, NME reaches over one million music fans every week. NME is the longest published and most respected music weekly in the world. Every week it gives its readers the most exciting, most authoritative coverage of the very best in contemporary music, including award winning features, the latest releases, live reviews, the definitive guide to the best new bands in its Radar section, as well as a regular look back through the magazine's incredible 58 year heritage.
Bauer Media are another institution who publish music magazines. They publish the rock magazine 'Kerrang'. Kerrang's audience profile is:
Individually minded, independent of thought and musically experienced, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty. 'MOJO'-Audience profile: Discerning and passionate music aficionados, the MOJO audience is predominately male (72%) and affluent (36% AB). These heavy consumers of music see their passion as discovery without boundaries, genre and decade being secondary to quality.
Q Magazine. Published by Bauer Media. Audience profile- Open minded experience seekers, the Q audience don’t define themselves by the music they listen to. Music is an important passion, but their love of music will never be to the detriment of their other passions, such as film, sport and comedy. |
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Main task for music magazine.
The front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Evaluation of Front Cover!
The audience my magazine was aimed at was
I believe my front cover meets the conventions of a college magazine in many ways. The masthead is eye-catching and specific to the college which is required in a masthead for a college magazine. I used the font Eras Light ICT for my masthead and sub-text as I think it’s a clear font and makes the cover look sleek. I chose the name ‘wykeside’ as I think it’s a sophisticated name and it represents the ins and outs of the college from a student point of view. I matched the magazine conventions in my research to my final design with the digital image covering the masthead slightly. I used a turquoise background for my cover because it symbolises happiness and relaxation which gives off a positive image on college life. For my digital image I used a medium shot of the second team football captain as I think he is a good role model for other students. I linked the image with a caption ‘seconds skipper speak soccer’ so the readers know what to expect when they read the magazine. I also added an outer glow effect and made the font purple to the sun-heading to make it different from the sub-text to show it’s the main discussion within the magazine.
The institution of the magazine cover was I as I constructed all of it. I also carried out the research of existing magazines so I could relate my work to those conventions. I think it also helped that I am already a student so I know what students want in a college magazine and I could adapt to these requirements.
I think my cover gives off a positive image on college life as it’s vibrant and quirky. The model on the cover is smiling slightly which represents humour and happiness which is a great aspect of being a Wyke college student.
I believe I could have improved my magazine cover by taking more digital images with a natural background on them, so they could show off some off the college a bit more. I also think I could have been a bit more creative in my production as it is quite a simple layout. All in all I believe my work has been a success as I planned well ahead of the deadline, giving me time to produce the cover.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Front cover draft!
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Planning-Contents page ideas
- Natalie's tips on surviving freshers year
- Alex's lowdown on sport at the college(new sports being introduced)
- Drama productions
- The impressive new Oak building
- Upcoming parties/events
- New prospectus 2010-2011
- Tips for exams and coursework
- Trips-NYC/South Africa
Monday, 18 October 2010
Planning-Possible fonts
![]() |
I like this font because it has kind of a hand-drawn look to it which would suggest that the magazine is produced by students. I won't be using the font because I want a more sleak and bold font. |
![]() |
I will be using this font acause I think it looks unique and clear. The font looks hand-drawn which I think will appeal to my target audience because it denotates a student has produced the magazine. |
Friday, 15 October 2010
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Digital photo's for front cover!
I won't use this image because I feel the quality of the image isn't great therefore it won't look very professional. |
I am planning on using this image for my contents page as i'm going to do a page on 'Natalie's tips for surviving freshers year' |
I may use this image for my contents page for a page on 'AJ speaks sport' |
I am going to use this image for my front cover as it has the second team football captain is the wyke strip. This appeals to the audience with the wyke logo on the shirt. |
masthead- 'wyke weekly' 'wykeside'
colour- purple?(colour of the sports teams) black and white image or very colourful and upbeat.
Audience- Wyke College students (16-19years) needs to be informative but not in loads of detail.
image on the front will give off a positive image of college life
image of a football teams captain(skipper speaks soccer)
Sport at Wyke (football,rugby,netball) any new clubs coming up..volleyball!
Drama at Wyke(any performances coming up)
Student life
Upcoming events,Halloween party/Christmas Party/|New Year party?
New prospectus for 2011/2012
colour- purple?(colour of the sports teams) black and white image or very colourful and upbeat.
Audience- Wyke College students (16-19years) needs to be informative but not in loads of detail.
image on the front will give off a positive image of college life
image of a football teams captain(skipper speaks soccer)
Sport at Wyke (football,rugby,netball) any new clubs coming up..volleyball!
Drama at Wyke(any performances coming up)
Student life
Upcoming events,Halloween party/Christmas Party/|New Year party?
New prospectus for 2011/2012
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Friday, 8 October 2010
features of a college magazine
Main features.
Contents -
* What's on at the college - (pull-out monthly plan)
* Events outside the college
- concerts, clubs, student nights etc
* Student deals / discounts / offers / vouchers
* News on past events
* Students voice - page dedicated to points students have brought up about college life.
e.g how it can be improved.
* Job vacancies
Front cover -
* Masthead - Bright, bold & colourful!
- Sans-serif
* Slo-go
* Coverlines
* Main image - student(s)
- casual / fun image
- based on main article
* Skyline
* Colour, colour and colour!
Contents -
* What's on at the college - (pull-out monthly plan)
* Events outside the college
- concerts, clubs, student nights etc
* Student deals / discounts / offers / vouchers
* News on past events
* Students voice - page dedicated to points students have brought up about college life.
e.g how it can be improved.
* Job vacancies
Front cover -
* Masthead - Bright, bold & colourful!
- Sans-serif
* Slo-go
* Coverlines
* Main image - student(s)
- casual / fun image
- based on main article
* Skyline
* Colour, colour and colour!
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
LIIAR interpretation of the brief!
The Brief:
Preliminary exercise: using DTP and a image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.
The audience of the magazine will be for Wyke College students, and it could also be for people interested in enrolling at the college in the future to get a feel for what college life is going to be like at Wyke. Students would read the magazine for information on any events coming up at the college. The magazine will need to follow the needs of Wyke students by being eye-catching.
The producer of the magazine cover and contents page will be myself. This will be ideal as I'm a student of the college so I know what students will want in a college magazine. I can also ask students what they think of the cover/contents page before submitting the work.
Media terminology. For example, medium close-up and masthead. We will be using medium close-up shots on our magazine. I will attempt to make my magazine cover eye-catching and interesting. I will use a medium shot of the second team football captain as my digital image to portray my theme of sport at the college.
Ideology -
Representation - How things are portrayed to the target audience. Media texts are artificial versions of reality so I want my magazine to relate to actual college life as much as possible. I think this will be easy achievable.
Preliminary exercise: using DTP and a image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.
The audience of the magazine will be for Wyke College students, and it could also be for people interested in enrolling at the college in the future to get a feel for what college life is going to be like at Wyke. Students would read the magazine for information on any events coming up at the college. The magazine will need to follow the needs of Wyke students by being eye-catching.
The producer of the magazine cover and contents page will be myself. This will be ideal as I'm a student of the college so I know what students will want in a college magazine. I can also ask students what they think of the cover/contents page before submitting the work.
Media terminology. For example, medium close-up and masthead. We will be using medium close-up shots on our magazine. I will attempt to make my magazine cover eye-catching and interesting. I will use a medium shot of the second team football captain as my digital image to portray my theme of sport at the college.
Ideology -
the opinions, beliefs and ways of thinking characteristic of a particular person, group, or nation.
I'm hoping to promote a positive image of college in my magazine cover and contents page. I want students to take pride in the magazine as it's a product of the college and informs everyone at the college whats going on.Representation - How things are portrayed to the target audience. Media texts are artificial versions of reality so I want my magazine to relate to actual college life as much as possible. I think this will be easy achievable.
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