The contents page of 'MOJO' magazine features, at the top of the page, the word 'MOJO', as apposed to contents. However, the reader can tell that this is the contents page due to the typical conventions such as page numbers, feature headings in a bold text, information under the heading about that feature and also, images relating to one, or more, of the features in the magazine. The title text 'MOJO' is bold, large and in a simple font, making it stand out and catch the readers eye. On the contents, there are featured pages that they have highlighted in red, and have an image next to them with a page number also. These pages are suggested to the reader from the publishers. The contents page is effective because they have used a white background for the actual page numbers and text, and used black font so it stands out to the reader. Also, they have used an artistic background behind the white page to give the overall page some depth.
Institution- The publishers of 'MOJO' magazine are Bauer Media who publish many other magazines such as Q, Kerrang and FHM. Bauer Media are Europe's largest privately owned publishing group and they publish over 300 magazines in 15 different countries. They also publish online, T.V and radio stations.
Audience-The genre MOJO music magazine is a mix of traditional music such as The Beatles and bands such as Oasis and Radiohead. People interested in old music such as The Beatles will be interested in the magazine, as well as people interested in new bands that are evolving in the music industry.
Ideology- The reason behind the contents page is to inform the readers where specific articles and contents are in the magazine, and they use page numbers to do so. The contents page needs to be effective and straight to the point because when people pick the magazine up in shop, they usually look at the front cover, then the contents page to find out what is featured in the magazine. If they like what's on the contents page, they are more likely to purchase the magazine.
Representation- The contents page represents the magazine in a positive way as it has a good balance between text and images which is an important convention of a contents page. This could symbolise that the magazine is a good balance of all music genres so it would appeal to the majority of music lovers new and old.
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