Language- The contents page of Q magazine contains a heading, a main image, sub-headings and some sub-text. The colour scheme on the contents is very similar to the front cover which is a important convention of music magazines. The Q logo is located in the top left corner next to the contents heading. The sub-heading is white with a red background which works well together and stands out on the page. The large image on the right hand side of the page is the main feature on the contents as it dominates the space and is very noticeable, and the image has a caption containing the brief information about the band in the image, and the page number. The front cover and contents page show continuity as they both have the same colours and fonts throughout. This contents page is effective as it's set out to be easy readable for the audience. A common convention in this magazine and most music magazines is the section that is there every issue, and they just change the things they write on it every issue.
Institution- The producer of the magazine is Bauer media who also produce other music magazines such as Kerrang and Mojo. They have to make sure they produce magazines that are going to sell regularly, so they have to be a good standard.
Ideology- The idea behind the contents page is for readers to be informed what is featured in the magazine, so they could skip straight to a particular page they are interested in. The producers are trying to promote the magazine to be bought as people that are interested in buying a magazine in a shop, usually look at the contents, so the contents has to be a good standard.
Audience- Q magazine do not have a specific music genre which they target for an audience. There are different genre's of music throughout there magazines. This gives the magazine diversity and a good opportunity to introduce different music genres into it.
Representation- The main image on the contents is of the band 'The Courteeners' and they are represented in a positive way as they are the main image. The image is an accurate representation of the band to make the magazine look as real as possible.
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